Monday, May 12, 2008

Month 2

It's officially 2 months into the project. 2 of 12 - 10 to go.

Over the weekend I sorted out the double buffering routines, and updated everything to run with it - there are a few tweaks here and there to get everything running and drawing the way it all should, but I'll get those sorted out over the next week.

I've not put an updated demo on Underground Arcade for a while, if I did it would look pretty much exactly the same - and I'd find myself throwing more rushed code in to make it 'look different' - something I don't want to do anymore.

The jump code was started, but needs some fine tuning, and buggy controls in general need to be fine tuned. The devil is always in the details. I do think it looks strange with it's wheels spinning in mid-air, which lead me to changing the animation while it jumps.

Currently the animation system works pretty well, even the 'cludge' I've thrown in for the rocks changing size when hit - adding multiple animations for each object is something I should have added in earlier, but sort of rushed past in order to get something to show. This week will be spent going over the animation system yet again to make it more flexible, and hopefully faster.

So again, lots of coding going on and if all goes well by the end of the week I should have most of these things knocked out - and of course the end result, if all goes well, will look EXACTLY as it does this week!

Seeing something on the screen working is always motivating - but having to go back and wade through rubbish code and re-write everything is totally UNmotivating. It's not like hundreds of people are looking at the in-progress demo anyway. Maybe 3 total. I'm more than happy to fly under the radar and get things done the way I want them.

In the end I have to just do this for myself - and noone else.

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