So, after downloading Amos Pro , wading through installation, finding docs (whew), it turned into a bigger project than I though - and with work to get done in the meantime I only had one day to devote to the Scramble 68k project. I did manage to get a basic functional editor going though. Its not much, not complete, and could use a few features (I find them as I use it). Amos has some quirky features, and it just shows how far I've personally come over the years. I bought AMOS when it was first released, and after 68k Assembly, C, C++, and other languages since, I've found I've gotten accustomed to things like... well... functions, pointers, and other bits and pieces :) going back to what is essentially Basic circa 1990 has been a lil hard. Anyways, although I've not gotten to the point of it spitting out source code for the map (not hard, just going to be a lil tedious) - I have gotten it write them in a very basic format so I can load and save the maps as I work on them. with each section being 500 blocks long (16 pixels per block) , 12 blocks high, and 4 sections to each level.. doing them by hand would have taken FOREVER.
I don't think this editor will be terribly featurefull or user friendly - its only for me and only this game... next time I might try blitz basic - or hopefully put the time in with Amiga C to do them in the future - either way it was a fun lil project to knock out - and still faster than doing it in assembly.
Till next week!
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