Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mo progress, mo work

Don't know if it's a good or bad thing, but everything kinda travels around in a ying/yang lately, not that I'm complaining as it's all good.
Project CodeShell is making good progress this week with a bunch of basic blitter routines brought over from older projects, keyboard input working rather nicely and mouse handling finished. All the routines are nice and generic (although my joystick routine could do with a bit of a re-think).
My older code for Scramble and EVA didn't really take into account splash screens and other things - so doing a nice framework from the ground up has worked out very well.
Some polish routines, like palette fades are in there - and the core stuff is coming together rather nicely.

I have another week of work out on the farm coming up, so hopefully my dev PC will be back online by the end of it (barring any other unforseen problems) - if not I might start putting together something that will utilize some of the things I'll need for Scramble anyways. A chance to write some code that is needed, and be working on something more than just some test demo. I have some pretty good ideas for an Arkanoid style game, some features such as bonus levels and the like that I don't think have been thought of before and might really breathe some life into that genre.

Stuff to think about... for now I'm going to finish up some optimizing and some tidying, then perhaps hit DPaint for a few hours.


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