Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bombs Away!

Not the best shot, but you can see one bomb has blown up a missile and another is dropping.

2 bombs can be dropped just like in the arcade game, and although I'm not 100% satisfied with the look of the launch, it doesn't look half bad - so for now I'm keeping it as is (until the polish stage of things - or I find myself with only enough time to do small tinkering projects).

Bombs hitting the ground do a little explosions (like bullets) , and if they hit the main objects they do the bigger explosions - it looks pretty nice.

I fired up MAME the other day to have a play and make some notes on the original (mainly to look at the missile firing sequences) and found another interesting point worth noting - when you start the game, or any time you have to restart a stage due to being killed, the game puts you at a screen long 'lead up' that I originally thought was part of the first map.
I intend on keeping this trend, mainly as it lets me shorten my stage setup routines by quite a bit, and extends the first part of the map by some 20 tiles. Also, from a playability standpoint, it gives you a slight break to get back into the groove after being killed - which is a good thing.

With the addition of the bomb code (which needs a little dialing in on the collision side) most of the engine work is behind me.. or so it seems (until I list it out - then it seems like it never ends).

Before tackling the map reading issues I'm going to try and put the rest of the ship stuff behind me - so still to do for this milestone:

  • Add 10 points every second on score
  • Setup the fuel bar properly (remove placeholder graphics)
  • Decrease fuel every second and crash if you run out
  • Increase fuel when you blow up a tank
  • mystery score on a module blow up
After than it's going to be map and missiles - then it's down to map out the rest of the first level.



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