Well it seemed a few of the things on this months 'to do' were a little easier than I expected (still waiting for something to break.. it was a little TOO easy).
As you can see, the module object is in there, I'm flying over top of an explosion as one of the missiles I've shot is starting to blow.. up on the hill is the final wisp of a strafe.
I whipped up a better score font too - I figured if I'm gonna write to most the bitplanes, I may as well have it look nice.
Also note - score. Working.
Numbers are converted from hex to decimal pretty fast - faster than my earlier attempt messing around with BCD numbers.
It's looking pretty nice - there are still a couple of 'big ticket items' on the docket.
Map routines - I'll have to go over and make sure they are actually using the map object (I have suspicion they aren't entirely). Once the map is working, the top scoreboard will have to be finished to include the stages (the middle section) and maybe give it a facelift - that flat embossed blue is a little bland next to the new font.
Modules as per the original game are supposed to give a mystery score 100,200, or 300 pts - I have to do this still.
Fuel tanks are in , but so far the fuel system hasn't even been started. That will also have to be done and tied in.
Also the original game gives you 10 pts for every second you stay alive.. I'll have to add this as well.
Still - good progress for one day!
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